What is Maundy Thursday?

Maundy Thursday recalls the events in the upper room the night before Jesus died. These events are described in Matthew 26:17-30, Mark 14:12-26, Luke 22:7-38 and John 13:1-17. They focus on the institution of the Lord's Supper. Maundy Thursday is in Holy Week.

The name "maundy" comes from the words of Jesus, "Mandatum novum" ("a new (fresh) command" John 13:34)

Since it was on this night that Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper, that sacred meal has often been the chief emphasis of Maundy Thursday. At the end of the service, the altar is stripped, in preparation for Good Friday. This symbolizes Christ's being stripped by the Roman soldiers prior to His crucifixion

What is Holy Week? | What is Maundy Thursday? | What is Good Friday? | What is Easter?