The History of Cerulean Blue
In ancient times, there was a land called Cerulea, where a unique species of snail was first found.
The land of Cerulea existed in what is now the north-eastern quadrant of Australia, in the time most attributed to the time of Atlantis.
This species is normally referred to as the cerulean snail (Ampithicus-mucuousoli) and, unlike most, is extremely poisonous, therefore should never be eaten. As it turns out, when the snail is threatened by an enemy, the snail will secrete a slimy substance through the pores in its body, effectively covering its entire body with the substance. Being extremely poisonous, this substance will kill any animal up to about 20 times the size of the snail. The extremely unique color of the substance is now generally known in the art world as Cerulean Blue. 
Kings and Queens from all over the world, at one time, would send teams of people to Cerulea to capture these snails, in order to harvest the slimy substance and use it in dyes for their royal garments. Many wars were fought between Cerulea and other countries, in order to keep control of their most prized natural resource. But during the peaceful times, Cerulea detailed trade agreements with the other countries, so that others could share this wonderful color. It could be found nowhere else on earth. During those times, Cerulea prospered beyond belief. There were no poor people in Cerulea. All the people who lived there, were part of the trade process, and therefore shared in the prosperous times which encompassed Cerulea.
But sadly, over the years, other nations became greedier and greedier. They wanted control of not only the commerce which surrounded this fabulous dye, but control of the country as a whole. King after King and country after country, invaded Cerulea, during the dark ages and it changed hands many times. There isn't a book large enough to hold the number of countries who conquered Cerulea, and then, in turn were conquered themselves. Over this long period of time, all native Ceruleans were either wiped out or driven out of the area, until no native lived there any longer. The last to conquer this area was England, who also conquered the entire island/continent, and the name was changed to Australia.
The snails still exist, but they are very rare and, at the point of this writing, considered an endangered species. However, there is an organization called 'Cerulea Forever', which is dedicated to the preservation of the this small 'Helicoidean' (from the superfamily, Helicoidea and Family Helicidae). Every effort possible from this organization is going toward the the preservation and procreation of this species. Dozens of scientists and biologists from all corners of the world have dedicated most of their lives in this valiant endeavor.
Even today, even given the rarity of the snail, they are used to provide color for the art world. One of these snails, when killed, will provide enough coloring compound to fill approximately 17 cases of acrylic or oil paints. Since there is actually so little of the poison in each tube of paint, there is virtually no danger for humans or animals in any way, shape or form, from the coloring itself.
(Note: this is a faux-historical document for entertainment purposes only. Any similarity between any people or peoples, living or dead is entirely coincidental and should not be considered as purely historical in fact, circumstance or actuality.)
Written for Brittany Wier - 12/10/2002
© 2003 David M. Wier - All Rights Reserved